Sleeve #1;

Sleeve #2;

And, TA DA!
The full finished product;

I really like this sweater. The two women who own the shop where our knitting group meets had this great idea.
If you're a knitter you know you always have leftover bits (or LOTS of bits) of yarn from various projects. Their idea was for everyone to bring in their leftover bits, throw it in a huge pile, and everyone start rolling a ball of yarn with timed intervals when you had to move to a new yarn. At the end of the session, each person had one or two huge balls of various mixed yarn, all used by women in the group.
We each chose our own project to use up our sample balls of yarn - there were ponchos, throws, table covers, etc. I decided to make a sweater.
When I wear it, it always reminds me of the women I see at our knitters group.
You know me, though, I couldn't stop there.

I had to make a hat to go with the sweater.
And, DRUMROLL...................
I'm SO happy to announce that I have FINALLY learned how to knit socks!!!
First Pair:

Second Pair:

Third Pair:

And I am currently at work on pair #4.
It's so satisfying to make your own socks.
(I know I will eventually, but it's so hard to think of giving any of these away.)
You probably noticed my "owies" in the above photos. They're from a couple of biopsies. They turned out to be superficial basal cell carcinomas which I'm planning on treating with skin creams with the medications imiquimod or 5-fluorouracil. Anyone have any experience with those treatments?
It must be very rewarding, to wear clothes we actually do ourselves. Haha, the colors are striking indeed!!.... ~bangchik
Love your sweater , hat and socks. Great idea to use up bits of yarn .
Do take care of your owlies.
I love your knitting projects...I wish I knew how to knit!
Regarding the 5-FU, unfortunately, your skin will look much worse before it looks better. (Think bad, peeling sunburn.) Fortunately though, it works for the cancer. Good luck and blessings.
WOW!!!! I love every piece! How amazing! I have always wanted to learn to knit and quilt! You have done amazing! The socks are AWESOME!!!
I LOVE the sweater, hat and socks. The sweater is so fun, I love all the different stripes. My mom and Nana both knit and the knitting gene skipped me and went to my oldest daughter.
I hope the creams help!
Glad I snooped around and came late. Sure wouldn't have wanted to miss your sweater you had promised earlier to show us - it's fantastic and what a great way to use those leftovers. Your socks look so toasty and warm and they're great looking too! Seems you and knitting are agreeing with each other. After my surgery when I couldn't do much I learned to knit the cotton dishrags that I like so well. After giving quite a few away I still have enough to last me a few more years. ;-) But should do some more so I don't forget how. I don't read patterns but did write it in a way I would be able to understand. Yah right - understand at the time I wrote it. LOL
Great work Victoria. You really picked up knitting quickly. I'm so impressed ~ everything looks very professional. I think you could have another career here!! ;-) I don't blame you for not wanting to give anything away yet. It would take me a while to get to that point too. Just enjoy your beautiful creations for as long as you want!
I hope your skin heals well. I've had some things taken off mine as well ~ nothing serious so far ~ thank goodness. I can't remember what they called it tho so I'm no help. Hopefully everything will continue to be fine. Skin is such a delicate organ, isn't it? I feel bad for all the times I abused it in my youth!
yellow striped socks = an exercise in awesomeness!
I love that they're homemade!
tu sais que je sais aussi tricoter !! mais là, je reconnais, très beau travail !!
Wonderful knitting! Love the sweater, hat, and socks. Hand-knit socks are so cozy, and my goodness, they last SO much longer than store-bought.
Yikes about the owies! I don't have experience with this, but my sister's had some skin cancer removed. Being fair-skinned's not all it's cracked up to be, ;) and it probably wouldn't be a bad idea for me to get a head-to-toe checkup with a dermatologist.
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