Wednesday, July 8, 2009

You'll Know Them by Their Gardens.....Part II

Chelsea and I have been taking more walks and along the way we've discovered more gardeners in our neighborhood. We have three more pleasing gardens to spy upon!
(See past post for part one.)

Garden #1

This might be a modest front garden but it is full of detail and obviously well thought out.

And just look at the side yard; overflowing with nice plants.

I love the attention to detail.

It is so obvious that a gardener lives here who is enjoying their effort.

Garden #2

This garden is located along the walking path and they have spread themselves onto the common area. (good for them!). The view Chelsea and I have is of the back garden. Much of it is given over to a great looking vegetable garden but it is so much more.

What a sweet looking shed.

And another.

It's just a pleasure to walk by this garden.

Here in Idaho we love our fences. At least we love the fences surrounding our yards. We all want our little bit of privacy, even if it is only a delusion.

So on our walks we see plenty of this.

Garden #3

But a gardener lives near here who is more interested in gardening than in fences. Check out their "non-fence".

Chelsea and I decided (well, OK, I decided) to walk around to view the front garden. We were very pleasantly surprised.

What a great looking front garden!

I love that huge bed in the center of the lawn.

And just look at their shady side garden. I would love to walk through it.

There was even a small pond in the front garden which I almost missed while I was admiring everything else.

There is a particular house on one of our walking routes where the homeowners recently had a water feature installed. I say "installed" because the rock they used probably weighed one ton, no exaggeration. It is nice looking and provides a pleasant babble but it's obvious the homeowners didn't work and strive and plan for it. I like a garden that shows the effort of gardening; planning, planting, weeding, replacing, etc., not just that the homeowners have plenty of money to spend. (Not to say that gardening is always inexpensive, but it can be.)

That's why I enjoy these gardens so much. I feel that if I met the gardeners we could immediately start a conversation without even asking for each others names.

I love a good garden.


Randy Emmitt said...

Kim and Victoria,
Looking at these photos I'd think Better Homes and Gardens was coming to visit. What a great looking neighborhood!

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

What a walk you had!! So nice to see so many gardens close at hand. That front yard is certainly a WOW! Really nice.

Unknown said...


Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Wow! I loved the last one! You really can tell gardeners live in those homes.

Heather said...

What a nice way to take a walk! I think it is great that so many neighbors care about how their yards look. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! I can't believe how many gardeners you have nearby with such flourishing gardens! Very beautiful. In my neighborhood, there are only a couple of us. I could count about 3 in our direct vicinity. I like how you took pictures of their gardens to share. I may have to do the same sometime soon! Thanks for sharing.

vuejardin said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful gardens, they are so lovely.