Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ladies Night Out

The Melting Pot Ladies Night Out. What fun. Great food. We met up with the two women from Mountain Home we met there last time (hi Steph and Tiffany); they brought two of their friends (hi Katy and Dawn). Vanessa brought two of her friends (hi Erica and Heather) and me.
It's always nice to eat there and since Vanessa and her friend Erica are also servers they always offer to help our server, pour water for us, fetch drinks and more food, advise us on cheese and chocolate choices, etc. I gave the owner a business card and offered to be one of the vendors for next month, doing Tarot and palm readings. We'll see if they accept. If not, I'll do readings for everyone at our table and it will still be fun. Great place to dine.

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

Love your ladies night out! Melting pot!