He was promptly neutered, vaccinated, de-wormed and chipped.
Freddy is quite a playful fellow and seems to love everyone.

His favorite activities include chasing the toy bouncing from the stick, having his belly rubbed and helping Vanessa with everything from applying her makeup to making dinner.
He also loves naps. With anyone, but especially with Chris.

I love a friendly cat. Our cat Ebby is so nervous she'll never let company near her. What's your cat's personality?
Cats are always cute. I always like to tickle the neck, and see how it responds.... ~bangchik
how sweet, nice kitty.
Freddy looks like one of the many gray striped cats we used to have on the farm in N. Dak where I grew up. My sisters and I used to love dressing the kittens in doll clothes. The poor kitties, well...they didn't like it so much. ha.
What a cute one! We have 4 cats and all of them have a very different personality.
How cute!! Love the nap picture.
My cats are both a great mix of sweet and playful. One is only sweet to us, though (he's shy around strangers).
awwww, that's a lucky kitty!
I have one cat Tori aka fatty/fatcat. She's 12yrs old and super talkative. She follows me around like a shadow when I get home from work and scratches at the bathroom door when I'm in for a shower.
What a beauty, Victoria! Most of my own male cats have had sunny, open, love-everyone personalities (uh, purrsonalities?!), while the females have tended to be more fiercely loyal and possessive of me. I think Vanessa's been adopted by a lover!
What a cute cat. I wish we had one, but unless a stray one shows up at our door we probably won't have one again for awhile.
awe what a beautiful kitty! My oldest cat Zoe is the Princess of the house or possibly some kind of Duchess...she definitely thinks she is royalty. My newest edition is only about 5 1/2 weeks old so his personality is as follows...run around, nap, eat, nap, play with my shoes, nap, demand affection, nap...we named him Sir Livingston Angus Edward III or Gus Gus for short!
That's what the two newest kittens are like around here! We live a mile from town so we end up with lots of 'strays'. Always nice when they love you too!
Looks like you've found a keeper. It's nice when they are so social. I don't have a cat anymore due to my son's asthma but growing up I did and she was the most beautiful cat and wonderful when she wanted to be but mostly she was a snobby girl. She ended up blind and we kept her inside and safe. She lived to be 18. Your post makes me remember how much we loved her. Thanks and enjoy your new baby. ps. Love the name. my "granddog" is a bully named Fred.
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