The tour began at Elaine's. What a lovely garden. I felt so inspired. If only our shade garden resembled this;

Elaine even managed to grow castor bean plants in the shade. I'd never even thought of that.
Her garden was full of pretty details and plants everywhere; from huge dahlias to giant tomatoes. Lovely, and obviously planted with love.

I love the combination of Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate and cosmos.

Next up was Teresa's garden. As she explained, theirs is a garden in progress. But then, whose isn't, right? And as gardeners we're experts at listening to plans and envisioning the result in our mind's eye.
Teresa has only been working with her garden for two years. She and her husband have already made a lot of progress and the result is evident. They have built a generous sized deck behind the house, pulled out overwhelming shrubs and weed trees, planted flowers and herbs and created a firepit area.
Their garden includes a nice natural rise which they plan on incorporating into their plan with a rock wall and paths, more flower beds, and a swing under the trees for viewing stars at night. I'm really hoping to be able to visit her garden during some of the planned construction.

Teresa is growing quite a variety of vegetables and herbs including tomatoes, lavender, eggplant, many types of peppers, squash, and beans.

And like most gardeners Teresa has expanded her love of gardening beyond the back fence to the delight of passersby.
The weather being normally in the 90's for September in Idaho, Teresa offered us welcomed iced tea along with lovely cookies.
On to the final garden for the day; Mary Ann's.
Mary Ann has been gardening at her current house for 12 years and has probably been gardening her entire life, I suspect. It shows.
Just look at this pool in her back garden. So lovely. And so simply made. She and her husband spend large amounts of time cooling off in this lovely space during our hot Idaho summers.
Isn't it gorgeous? And check out that view!

Mary Ann's garden includes two other water features. This one had a persicaria planted nearby so I was able to ask her opinion of the plant. I just purchased three for our moongarden. She was able to highly recommend the newer varieties as well-behaved.

Teresa and Mary Ann discuss the espaliered apple tree.

I would love to be able to list the types of plants Mary Ann has growing everywhere but I would hardly know where to begin there were so many. Obviously she loves miscanthus and who wouldn't with that great lighting?
We thoroughly enjoyed our tour of her garden along with viewing the parts under construction. (She's adding a stone wall and a rock slab walkway.)

We were also offered some of her Fall Gold raspberries right off the bushes.
I wish I had taken some photos of the great sunset, but I was too busy enjoying the various wines, beer, hummus, cheese, and crostini that Mary Ann offered along with the wonderful conversation that ensues from a gathering of gardeners. You'll just have to use your imagination to envision the sunset available with this sort of view:

What a fantastic day! Thanks to everyone for opening their gardens and homes.
How wonderful! Beautiful, beautiful gardens! Thanks for sharing with us!
Love that pool and view especially!
Beautiful garden... the two of them definitely are very passionate about their garden. ~bangchik
Thanks for taking us along on a virtual tour of these gardens.....always a pleasure!
Wow! What a treat. Each person's garden had such amazing characteristics and traits to gleen from. What a fun tour. Mary Ann's view over the city is truly amazing! And how fantastic to have a gardening group to tour with! Lucky you.
Love me some Idaho garden bloggers.
How fun, all such beautiful gardens and so different from each other.
What a great tour! Just beautiful. That pool is spectacular.
What fun to tour each others gardens! Plus learning about something new that someone else has is an extra bonus! The pool looks so relaxing and what a view!
Ooooo, I want a pool and a view too, or perhaps the next best thing, to tour and have a glass of wine with fellow bloggers. What a wonderful get-together. Thanks for sharing these terrific gardens with us.
Whoa....I am blown away by that shade garden! Inspires me!!! I have some major work next year!!! The last garden.....what a view! I would NEVER leave the back yard. I couldn't imagine getting to see that everyday...very cool
Wow, Victoria ~ what a great tour. Love all the gardens but especially that pool. I want one! It's so nice you all can get together like you have and inspire each other.
What fantastic gardens , each unique..some great ideas..
That pool looks great! It looks so natural.
great gardens and pics. Although I had to laugh at 'cooling off' in Idaho summers. Compared to Florida I'm sure they'd be delightful. :) Idaho looks (from the background) as a beautiful place!
Any chance that Idaho garden bloggers will be hosting a tour again this year? I'd love to meet some other Boise area gardeners and get some ideas for some of my spots.
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