Here are Vanessa and I pre-race:

Our "entourage/cheering section/coaches" consisted of Vanessa's boyfriend Chris and his sister, Missy. They volunteered to help with the race and received complementary T-shirts.

There were quite a few people into dressing for the occasion, in their "Blues."

There was a lot of excitement as everyone prepared to race:

Here we are at mile Five. We've just passed a water station and you can see the mess of cups by the side of the road.

Those water stations were great. They were positioned about every mile or so, with volunteers handing out cups of water, slices of oranges and bananas, and words of encouragement.

Here's Vanessa at the top of the hill; mile Nine. We've made it to the top, 4.1 miles to go, all downhill. We're pretty tired by this time, that last hill was really steep. But we're excited to be going downhill now.

We got energized and managed to run the entire final distance.
As we approached the finish line we could hear Chris and Missy cheering us on. Our time for the 13.1 mile race was 3 hours and 7 minutes and we crossed the finish line together.
The fastest male was 1 hour and 18 minutes and the fastest female finished in 1 hour and 26 minutes.
We've picked up our shirts (they don't give those out until you finish), and gotten some water and we're relieved to be finished.

There was plenty of food waiting for us and beer if we'd wanted it. What we wanted was a bath. What we did was take a shower and head out to dinner with family and friends.
As you can imagine, we're pretty darn proud of ourselves.

And by the way, if you're wondering, that Hot Rock Massage at Floating Feather Spa yesterday was fantastic! Vanessa also paid for me to have a 25 minute facial. I truly felt like a queen. Loved it.
What's amazing is that Vanessa and I are planning on doing Robie Creek next year. I'll keep you posted on that!
Yay for you two! That was truly an amazing accomplishment.
Love the pic of you at the five mile mark. :-)
Its good that you finished the race..... cheers! ~ bangchik
HURRAH! You both look as good at the finish as the beginning...... Terrific for you both.
Congratulations on an awesome achievement! It's great that the weather cooperated too.
Enjoying the spa afterwards must have been quite a reward for your hard work and dedication in training, and at the event.
You two ROCK! Better times than you expected too! I looked for you on the news coverage but your photos are the best, by far! COngrats :-D
Whoo hoo, way to go. Congratulations to both of you for staying the course.
WooHoo! I am so happy for you!
3 heures et 7 minutes, comment avez vous pu courir autant, j'en serais incapable, déjà à cause de mon coeur, bien entendu, mais aussi par le manque d'envie évidemment... Félicitations,
Congratulations on finishing the race. What an accomplishment!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your shirt!!! So freakin cute!!!! I am so proud of you! You inspire me to get out and go run!!!!!!
Bilbo is starting his new adventure. The post is sure to check it out and join in!
phew - that looks hot and dusty and a lot of fun!
I'm proud of you, I wish I had your dedication!
Excellent job! Good for you...
Congratulations Victoria! That is quite an accomplishment. I'm stunned you're ready to do it again already!!! You go girl!
An impressive achievement! My memories of riding on this road on my way to and from school are that a few times a month we had to turn around and go back because of snow or the road being washed out, or something. I always breathed a sigh of relief at the top, because we could always make it down the other side!
I've been enjoying your blog...brings back lots of memories!
So totally awesome!!!!!!! You guys kicked ass!
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