Per Carol at May Dreams Gardens:
"Don’t skip planting pansies in your early spring garden!
Don’t skip planting pansies in your early spring garden!
Don’t skip planting pansies in your early spring garden!"
OK, OK, OK!!!
She's right, gosh darn it! (insert whatever expletive works for you.)
It may be past early spring in many areas, but here our daffodils are still blooming nicely and our tulips have yet to join the show. (Other than our stubborn orange tulips in the front garden but that's another post.)
So.....following directions, I went to the store yesterday and made the required purchases.
Here are the results:

They were quite root bound, but I teased them apart and they should be fine.
I also liked Cynthia's idea of making viola ice cubes so I also bought some of these:

Chelsea was outside helping me of course. (this picture is from last spring.)

I heard her barking furiously and looked up just in time to see one of these fly away. Yes, it's that time of year. The river must be high and the Great Blue Herons are looking for easy prey at backyard ponds. Our little 30lb Chelsea scared it off. I would never want her to get close to one of these birds, those beaks are powerful. Here's hoping the heron finds better pickings somewhere else.
Those pansies are beautiful! And having pup-help in the yard is much more fun than gardening alone. ; )
What a beautiful show. Love them all. Your helper looks sweet and keep him away from the herons. I have a helper too.
Chelsea looks like she's ready to take on any intruder! How adorable!
Gorgeous shots! Pansy are such sweet little things
Pansies are great. Some of the volunteer seeds from last year's plants have begun to grow now too. It's so cold here that pansies are generally annuals. I REALLY need to remember some more bulbs for next spring's garden.
See, now don't you feel better now you have planted some pansies? *chuckle*
The flowers are sensational.... and I like the bird perched high on the roof!!... cheers! ~ bangchik
Great close ups of the pretty pansy faces.........
Spring color is nice for us Idahoans, something that seems to take forever on it's own. I am rooting for you at Robie Creek today!
That heron is just stunning!
Pretty, pretty, pretty !!
Love your large pictures....don't have to click on. Guess I'm lazy.
Great choices of violas & pansies to add to your garden Victoria and fantastic photos! Not that your dog isn't adorable, I just always hone in on the flowers! I don't have any tulips blooming yet either. I've heard that herons will clean out a pond ~ I'm going to have to watch out for that this year since I'm adding a small one to my front garden.
I'm still waiting for my tulips, too, but it looks like they're getting close.
I've thought about putting in a koi pond but worried about the heron potential. I wouldn't want them eating my fish, but they're pretty amazing to see.
What a cute puppy! Does she have a pink spot on her nose, or is that just the lighting?
I only have a few minutes to visit here this evening but can tell from taking a quick look that I'll be back. I'm going to want to see all the different "rooms" of your garden. Especially interested in the moon garden....all white, right? Your dog just could not be any cuter than she is in that photo.
Pretty pansies! I love that ruffled one - never saw one like that.
The heron is beautiful. We see them around here only occasionally, and it's always a thrill when we do.
Hope you had good weather for the race and all that training paid off!
Lovely pansies -- and Chelsea couldn't be cuter. Thanks for sharing.
I love those pansies, they are prettier than mine. I need more!
(and thanks for the link!)
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Your photos are so gorgeous. I've missed seeing your garden grow this year, it's fabulous, of course. You really make me want to run out and do SOMETHING in the yard, even if it's only pruning the bamboo.
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