They'll be no more of this;

The hummingbirds have been absent for weeks now.
The asters and mums are in bloom along with the helianthus.

My Heritage rose decided to give me some final blooms. So lovely.

I'll miss the garden during the winter but at the same time it's nice to have a break from it.
I think most of all I'll miss the stream.

We have our annual trip to the yurt planned for this winter, so we have that to look forward to along with the usual holiday celebrations.
What do you particularly look forward to during the winter months?
Your garden is looking so nice right now. I love your stream and pond. Your roses are very pretty, I like the picture with the petals on the bricks. Have fun in the yurt.
Winter does bring more time to spend inside and less work in the garden, although I do spend lots of time looking at gardening books.
I can see why you would miss the is so calm and serene looking. My Heritage is blooming, too.
In the winter I look forward to spending the holidays with family and catching up my reading. :-)
A beautiful and poignant tour, Victoria. Thanks! I'm already missing our hummers, too, though hopefully we'll keep our stream into December. Please tell us more about the yurt---I love the idea of yurts but never imagined them as winter habitats!
Our Friend Ben - check out the yurt posts in the sidebar. :-)
Its nice to see season changing through the plants, flowers and birds... ~bangchik
The pics are lovely. What I look forward to in winter is the crispness of the air, and the chance to wear all the scarves I crocheted this past summer. LOL
I can see why you miss the stream most of all....... This winter my plans include exercise class 3 times a week, time to do some knittng I have been ignoring and making plans for the garden to be completed next spring..........
Hi Victoria. I've had trouble posting on your blog for some reason so that's why I've been absent. I have been reading tho! I usually just look forward to spring in winter. Isn't that terrible? I need to enjoy the season more but we just don't agree with each other.
I can see why you'll miss the stream. I'm trying to figure out what to do with my fish over the winter (I don't think my pond is deep enough to keep them outside).
Your scones in the previous post look delicious. You seem to be a great cook. I wish I lived closer ~ maybe it would rub off?! Your daughters new kitty is definitely a keeper.
Oh no, the winter is really coming, isn't it? Be sure to tell us more about your yurt adventure. Meanwhile, your garden still looks lovely and I hope it survives the upcoming frost!
We are still blooming here. The hummers are also still hanging around...they are fat! I suppose they are getting ready to migrate south??? I love all of the winter holidays. It never gets too cold here, no snow! I wish we would get one good snow a year...but no such luck. It may snow once every 8-10 years! Even then it never sticks more than a few hours
You have a lot to miss from this past summer.
Great garden this year.
Now we only get some traveling hummers...that saddens me.
ps know nothing about computers...and maybe it's just my pc but I can't view the entire width of your blog. Guess this pc is just too old.
We had 90 degree weather Monday and Tuesday and then Wednesday it plummeted to 50 degrees with overnight freezing temperatures! Whoa! Not ready for that one. I enjoy the respite from gardening during the winter months. It allows me to have a break and rev back up for the surprises spring will bring us. Lovely pictures and I envy your stream.
Gorgeous Victoria! How lucky you are to have that wonderful stream. The roses and asters are so pretty.
I'm still in denial that it's fall. I need to get over it though, because there are lots of plants needing to come indoors. I enjoy the outdoor seasons most, but there's a lot to like about winter too, especially the slower pace and time for baking, comfort foods, and the good family times that come along with the holidays. I really enjoy lighting the fireplace and having the time to curl up near it with a good book.
This week I am planting garlic and red onion starts, and one cilantro plant, since we so enjoy cilantro in many recipes.
I look forward in the winter to Christmas, which celebrates the birth of Jesus, and brings us much joy.
The holiday offers so many opportunities to give, to help folks, and to celebrate.
Hi to you all in Idaho and worldwide.
Hi. I wandered into here from Patsi's blog and I've had a really nice time reading all your posts. I love your stream and I'm hungry now after reading about your scones!
Thanks for sharing a great blog :)
L'été nous a quitté aussi ici, mais a laissé la place à une belle arrière saison que l'on appelle l'été indien, des températures très agréables, pour un mois d'octobre très chaud...
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