The chicks and I and sometimes Kim belong to this group.

The chicks watch as I drink my coffee and read the paper.
I enjoy letting them out of their coop early on my days off, and they enjoy it also. They come flying out like there's no tomorrow, running/flying into the garden.
Then they settle onto the back porch with me for our coffee time.

They've really been enjoying their watermelon lately.

They had some company the other day.

Evidently they're good at sharing. At least for now.

Chelsea wasn't feeling so generous. She chased the intruder away.

Chelsea decided she wanted some of that delicious fruit too.

Tootsie said, "It's only for us chickens and the occasional squirrel! Now get out of here before I peck your nose again!"

So it goes at our house.
What an entertaining lot of creatures you live with, ha. The chicks are really developing their individual colors/patterns in their feathers. I wonder if they know how good they've got it at your house?
How adorable are these pictures? First, the chicks with 'want' in their eyes like they're wanting to join you in having your coffee. When I saw the squirrel and chicken together it looked like maybe a war was going to start but I guess they shared ok. The picture of the squirrel eating the watermelon is just precious! How nice the chickens share. Then the dog getting in on the act - your pictures just told the story great! I love things like this!
Ha! Love it.
Can't say I can blame Chelsea the watermelon looks delicious...... some spoiled chicks!
Can't believe your dog gets along with the chicks and likes watermelon.
The first picture....the wall behind the chicks is what caught my eye...very southwest/spanish feeling.
I always love reading your blog. There's always something to make me smile and laugh. The pics are wonderful!
LOVE your chickens. I LOVE that you have coffee with them in the morning too cute for words.
The animals taking turn at the watermelon is beyond hilarious. Great pics, I'm a sucker for inter-species love.
Adorable! I particularly liked the one where the chicken was starting down the squirrel with an evil eye! LOL. My cat is similar to your chickens...she loves to sit outside with me on my lap as I have my Pero for the night on the porch. It's "our time".
Aloha! Great, just great! Your morning coffee time is more 'crowded' than mine! It's usually me and squirrels.
Lucky chicks, they have a good life!
They really handle life well, chasing and sharing...!!
So it appears everything loves Watermelon?!
Just thought I'd let you know that I tagged you in a Meme:
Wow, how cute they are, all of them (even the squirrel!) All for a piece of watermelon! It's like with kids: the most simple thing (like a box) can create more fun than any expensive store-bought item!
How fun to be a member of the 'klatch'. Love it! My chicks have now officially been all over my yard. I can't believe I ever thought I would be able to keep them out of the yard proper and in the orchard only. They love the green grass and find new places to nap every day! Fun to see yours sharing with the squirrel!
Your photos and the story about your chickens joining your coffee klatch and protecting their watermelon are delightful.
The chickens are quite good looking; what breed are they?
The chickens are a Barred Plymouth Rock, a Silver Laced Wyandotte and an Easter Egger.
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