Tuesday, September 6, 2016


We've been very entertained by the deer that visit our property.  We know they will attempt to shred our vegetable garden when we get around to that next year.  We also know that as newbies to Montana it's expected that deer will grab our attention.  Not that we didn't see deer in Idaho.  We just didn't share property with them in Boise.

Fortunately for me, my knitting room windows face out towards our backyard and have been offering great views of our four legged visitors.

Our black cat Jessie was fascinated by them.

The two fawns also checked out our hens.

And some deer info here.


Pat said...

The view from your knitting room is great ! Nice capture of mommy deer and her babies feeding...you must be in heaven. I see the fawns and hens are very calm together, wonder if they'll be friends when they grow up. Everything looks like a natural high and all in your back yard. Love it !!!!

Bangchik and Kakdah said...

Its must be fun, to see deer coming close to the house. We dont have deer roaming around in Malaysia.