Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June in the Front Garden

The month of June is a great time for our front garden also.  
I love driving up our driveway when I come home from work.  There is so much to see.  

Kim spread out the eremurus last year, or foxtail lilies, or desert candles, as some people call them. Here they're growing on the left of the driveway.
These plants grow easily from a bulb.  We've been lucky to have them reseeding themselves around lately.

The right side starts off with oenothera missouriensis.

I realize some gardeners hate Lychnis coronaria 'Blood Red', but how can you deny that gorgeous pop of color?

Here they are with Centranthus 'Coccineus" Red Valerian, or Jupiter's Beard, in the background.

Yes, lychnis do reseed, A LOT, but sometimes that's just what you want.  And they're xeric.
Here they are mixing with anacetum parthenium, (feverfew).

Speaking of reseeding and xeric, feverfew meets both expectations nicely.

And of course there are gaillardia in the front garden.

More eremurus closer to the house, mixed in with some yarrow, penstemon, and Russian sage.

Kim likes mullein.  I'm not a big fan, but the spikes are nice.  The neighbors Mulberry tree inserts itself onto our side.

Gaura of course, pink and white.

This nice pink penstemon bloomed this year.  Must have been waiting around for a while, we haven't seen these big pink ones in years.

Callirhoe involucrata (winecups) make a great ground cover.  They also seed around, just a bit.

Maybe digitalis goldcrest?

And I'm loving Mirabilis multiflor, Desert Four O'Clock.  Great color!

And in my last post I promised to show you our neighbors Buddleia alternifolia.
Isn't it something?
Love the shape and size.
(Ignore the weeds and the dead viburnum.  The new renters aren't into gardening.  Yet.)


  1. I forgot how long your drive is. I'd be creeping in with the windows open to take it all in after a long day. Lovely and secluded.

  2. Well Victoria dear, I am VERY jealous of your incredible garden. You've got so much room. Your front yard is so much more interesting than a boring lawn. Your plants look so happy and I bet the bees are too.

    I need to ask you how you get Mirabilis multiflora to grow and bloom. I bought one from Annie's Annuals last year. It wintered over okay and came up about 3 inches and now it sits. I've still got it in a big pot sitting in full sun, with little water. Do you have any suggestions?

    I am waiting for my Wine Cups to open. I love yours! And that Penstemon is fabulous. I would grow that fabulous Buddleia if I had room. Great photo!

  3. Grace, our Mirabilis multiflora is now 4 years old and finally doing something this year. So, maybe just wait? Also, I know they, along with the foxtail lilies, don't appreciate much water. We water our front garden just once a month during the summer. (Although if you have it in a container, as you know, that changes things.) And thanks for the nice words ladies! It means a lot coming from you.

  4. Oui, c'est si agréable, quand on arrive de voir son jardin et de le respirer !

  5. that's it! I'm trying Eremurus again. I planted them a number of years ago - and that was the last I saw of them. Love the idea that they self-seed like the allium in my garden. You've got so many great and interesting blossoms & can't get over the fact that you are at least 4 weeks ahead of us! It's looking terrific.


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