Saturday, June 27, 2015

Big Changes

My son, Casey, had a brain tumor removed this week.
So, I've been preoccupied.

The surgery took place at the UW Medical Center in Seattle.  Luckily the tumor was benign and was completely and successfully removed.  It was the size of a baseball and the surgeon figured the tumor had been growing for 15 years.  The surgery lasted 13 hours.

Two days before the surgery Casey and his fiancee, Ivy, were married in the hospital.  They had planned a surprise ceremony for that day in Boise but it was pre-empted by the unexpected quickly scheduled surgery.

My daughter, Vanessa, and I were lucky enough to be able to travel to Seattle to offer our support.

Casey has a ways to go to fully recover but his wonderful surgeon assures us this will happen.  It may take up to one year but I have no doubt Casey will give it 100%, as he does to everything.

The wedding, the surgery, and now moving to Seattle has all happened within one week.  It's been a whirlwind.  More like a hurricane.

I'm going to miss this little family like crazy.  My granddaughter was such a sweetheart in the hospital and was constantly signing, asking for her daddy.  I've been told she has been giving her daddy lots of kisses since the surgery.

My consolation is that my son is alive and well.


  1. Wow. Wow. WOW. Big stuff. So glad your son is ok, and that the tumor was BENIGN...takes a load off everyone's mind right there. Best wishes to everyone!

  2. Holy cow! I'm so glad he's going to be OK. I'm glad you got to be there for him and his new family.

  3. What a beautiful post, Victoria. I'm SOOOOO glad your son is okay!!! I wonder what kind of symptoms he must have had if that thing was inside his hea all those years. Isn't the human body something? Thank you for sharing this. Your little granddaughter is adorable. Hugs my friend.

  4. This really puts things in to perspective. Here's wishing your son a full and speedy recovery x

  5. Hello Victoria and I am happy for you that your son is recovering so well from the surgery .. it must have been so stressful for all of you but now things will begin to improve, slowly but surely.
    Your little Miss Sunshine granddaughter is too cute .. I am sure her dad must love and appreciate all of her sweet gestures for him.
    So many things happening at once .. I'm sure you need some peace and quiet soon yourself.
    Take care
    Joy : )

  6. je souhaite à ton fils un prompt et complet rétablissement !!!

  7. Oh my word. How glorious that the surgery is successful and he is now on the way to recovery. It is absolutely amazing what surgeons can do. Two excellent upbeat books written by Norman Doidge - a Toronto doctor - are The Brain that Changes Itself and The Brains Way of Healing - the first may have been on the NYT bestseller list. He talks about recoveries and neuroplasticity - so positive. There's lots of hard work ahead for your son and his family. During those times when things aren't sunshine and lollypops, I found that it gave me hope that I would be better as some point - and I am. Best wishes to everyone. Barbarapc

  8. This scared the s___ out of me. Praying he stays well. Sister in law had the same but much smaller, she's having some memory issues but doesn't complain. Husband had brain surgery(another reason) long before I met him. Just sharing, I know it doesn't make it any easier.


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