Thursday, August 9, 2012

August Happenings in the Heat

I haven't been posting much but the summer continues on its way regardless. I thought I'd better put up some pics before it passes me by completely.

The weather has been so hot again, in the 100's and up for another couple of weeks. I feel like I'm melting. But our garden is trying its best to come through for us if we can just tolerate the weather enough to get out and notice. Mornings are best of course.

The echinacea are blooming now.

August is also a good time for morning glories.

I'm glad I planted phlox. What a great sight this time of year. Besides these two we have 'David' blooming.

And plenty of sunflowers. All volunteers but I love their cheerful look and the birds love the seeds.

There have also been kittens among the flowers. Here's Frankie looking handsome in a container on the back porch.

And here he is with his "Little Sis." We still have six kittens in the house. Four are still in the process of being tamed. Good news; we caught all three of the feral adults and they've been spayed/neutered! All seven kittens will have their turn next month. Then it's adoption time.

Kim has been busy with his vegetable garden. I just enjoy the harvest. He has some pumpkins going.

And we've been enjoying plenty of great tomatoes along with onions, cucumbers, broccoli, lettuce, peppers and garlic.

The three younger hens are doing well. Here are Peanut, Brazil and Hazel in our sumac. If you look closely you can see they all have their beaks open. No, they're not talking, they're trying to cool off in this heat. I've been fortunate to be able to bring home lots of fresh organic lettuce culls from work for them along with the occasional aging melon. Those treats are really appreciated by them in this heat.
The young hens are finally integrating well with the older girls, much to my relief. More on that in another post.

We've been busy watching some of the Olympics, taming, cleaning and feeding the kittens, working in our garden, and generally trying to enjoy summer while it's here, regardless of the heat. It's been a challenge though and I haven't been around to read up on my blogging friends. For that I apologize.

I hope everyone is having a great summer. Soak it up while you can, winter is on its way! In the meantime we'll be enjoying some more dinners outside and tempting all these kittens to trust us.

A rarity; all six kittens in one picture.


  1. Love that variegated Phlox-- I like all the various Phlox...super summer performer.
    Cute cute cute kitties!!!

  2. Those Morning Glories are absolutely STUNNING! You have inspired me. Time to get back to my much neglected little garden blog!

  3. I forgot to say in your most recent post how stunning the macro of the penstemon was now here's another ~ the morning glories!!
    Those kittens are sure not going to want to leave your house ~ what a great set up they have! You are awesome to take care of them all the way you've done. I hope they all get great homes.
    Glad your "girls" are all getting along better. I'm sure that was worrisome (or would be to me) Hope you can find a way to stay cool ~ I try not to complain about the heat because I don't want the snow! However, after this dry summer & the drought conditions, I will NOT be complaining about it this winter! We've been getting a lot of smoke recently from the fires in your state. It's amazing how far the haze travels....


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