Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Hard Look at Our Garden in August

Well here it is; the ugly truth about our garden in August. We know it's been too hot for too long. We know the mums, asters and Japanese anemones haven't started blooming yet.

So, what is going on?

Well, like every other August it's kind of a mess. But there are still parts of it I like.

I should plant more phlox as you can see from this picture of one of the back beds. You can see 'David' phlox here. There will be asters and mums later. The crocosmia are finished. Still some echinacea blooming. The blue in the foreground is a volunteer morning glory.  The red hibiscus should be blooming soon so that's something to look forward to.  We had a pink one but I think it has decided enough was enough.

Another bed; we refer to it as the "smokebush bed". (It must have a name for reference sake.) You can see a spot of bright pink. Another phlox. Should have planted more. Eventually this bed will have pink and white Japanese Anemones but not much happening in August. On the right under the big spruce is an area where we leave a wild life seed block. We let the chickens dig around under there. The blue in the foreground here are some re-blooming larkspurs and the red in the background is some Jupiter's Beard hanging on.

Heading off to the right side of the garden.

Pretty messy. At least we see another.......phlox. This one is 'Nora Leigh' and I love it.

This picture makes 'Nora' look like a mass, a drift, a sweep of phlox. She's not. She's just one plant.
But she's pretty. Love those bi-color leaves.

Alice and friends are hanging in there. Not looking too overgrown.

Are your columbines re-blooming?
Ours never have before but they are this year.

We have a bit of bloomage in the Moongarden. I don't even remember what this flower is but it's pretty.

This one is Persicaria 'Pink Elephant'. I'm liking it.

OK, an area I am enjoying, and have for the past few years, the right side of the garden.
It still looks kind of messy, doesn't it?

But, as one walks a bit further...

One can gaze upon sweetpeas...(splendens mix lathyrus)

various morning glories...


and a new addition to the garden...penstemon 'smallii'.

Lovely. Let's take a closer look.

But still my favorite place for my morning coffee is our back porch.

Hope you're enjoying your favorite places this summer wherever they are...


  1. Your summer blooms, mixed up or not, are wonderful. I do love phlox, added 3 more this summer and if there are any at the fall sale end of September, I will be adding more. As for the Columbine blooming twice, haven't had it happen here. Very interesting.

  2. Your back porch is awesome. I'll be over in the morning with my mug. :) I don't see "messy" at all but I know what you mean. This is August, when plants fall over in their exuberance. Your walk by the fence, under the arbor is amazing. Such interesting plants to see everywhere. Don't you just love Phlox? I wish I had an acre to grow nothing else. I've never had Columbines rebloom. Very interesting. Love that dark pink Morning Glory too.

  3. le mois d'août est assez cruel un peu partout, ici c'est aride aussi, mais comparé au Maroc, nous n'avons pas à nous plaindre, que c'est triste là bas la végétation ! Allez ne sois pas triste, ton jardin n'en sera que plus beau dans les mois à venir parce que tu n'attends finalement que cela, jardiner encore et toujours.
    Gros bisous

  4. I think your garden looks great. It will be good to know what late summer plants I'll need to keep an eye out for. Your back porch is to die for.

  5. I adore your sunflower/sweet pea walk. What a pretty phlox Nora Leigh is and after all that heat you've had she appears to be brilliantly mildew resistant too. I'm going to see if I can find one here. No columbines reblooming here sadly, they're just down to sticks and the odd little leaf - so the good news is there are hardly any leaf-miners to deal with at all!

  6. This summer has been rough on gardens in our area with record heat and severe drought. Looks like you've got lots of tough plants in your garden. 'Nora Leigh' is so pretty! Phlox are among my favorite flowers. They were among the first perennials I had, along with hostas, all shared with me by an elderly gardening neighbor way back in my first perennial garden when I was in my early 20's. Still love phlox - they're a sentimental favorite.

    Your back porch is wonderful! Love all the shade, and bet it's very welcome in the heat of summer.

  7. LOVE your back porch Victoria! I would be hanging out there every morning too!! Totally get it.
    I'd still tour your garden no matter how messy you say it is. It always looks interesting to me. I have never had columbines rebloom! Wow, how lucky. Maybe I'll go outside & check them out ~ I'd love a cool surprise like that.
    My garden is looking ragged & tired but like a crazy person, I've decided to host a garden party. Who does that in AUGUST?!!! Probably no one will think I know what I'm doing at all after the party!
    p.s. SO glad you found some dahlias you loved at Swan Island. I know what you mean about them having so many beautiful ones. I don't have a lot of luck wintering mine over but if 'Apple Blossom' doesn't make it, I always try to reorder that one! Can't wait to see what you got!!!
    Thanks for all your great comments too!

  8. My Clematis keeps blooming again, but my columbine have not.

  9. Our favourite place is probably the front porch. We love to sit there on a coffee break and watch the world drive by.
    Your garden is not more messy than mine, which always looks a bit wild late in the summer.
    I have never heard of columbine re-blooming. Interesting!
    I like your arbor with the sunflowers and morning glories.
    Like you, I want to add more phlox next year. They really add a lot to a late summer garden.

  10. Your garden is a delight from the messy area to the hen area to the morning coffee spot .... fantastic all... Love the whimsy of Alice and her friends!

  11. You have some very beautiful plants despite this never ending heat we've had this summer. I have to relocate some of mine next spring - I have much to learn. Oh, and we would also treat a $2 chicken like you did! We try to respect all of God's creatures.


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