Saturday, November 20, 2010

Winning is Good - I Love My Hug-Bot!

Like the package said, "Shopping is Cheaper than a Psychiatrist".

Were truer words ever spoken?

I am the lucky winner of this cute Hug-Bot pillowcase.

I'll enjoy putting my sleepy head on this tonight.

Also, and probably offensive, but totally funny in my opinion, this dish towel;

Thanks Prairie Chicken!

Check out her blog, and buy some of her handywork for yourself from her Etsy shop.


Barbarapc said...

I once received a card that said, "Women & Turkeys Against Christmas". That tea towel is a giggle.

Randy Emmitt said...

Kim and Victoria,

Love the dish towel, but shouldn't it be Xmas instead of Christmas? The crocus in your header is blooming in our garden right now!!

Pat said...

You're crazy !
That must be why I like you.

mmichele said...

I have a friend who is PERFECT for the Christmas greetings!