Kim worked hard and well on the coop and I think it shows.
We debated for a while about where to build it. We knew we could have a cute little coop incorporated into the garden if we chose. We decided to be practical about it and build it near the compost pile for easy access for cleaning. We'll keep the bedding in the coldframe which is also nearby. Which meant the coop would be built onto the back of the garage.
He started with this.

And finally, all finished.

Side view - with the door into the nesting boxes.

And the chicks put themselves to bed every night now.

Its a chicken palace! Kim should be proud.. them chickens look lucky.
That is the coolest chicken run I have ever seen! It looks awesome.
He did a fantastic job! So professional looking. Those are some lucky chicks to have such a great place to roost/nest/etc. Very sweet that they put themselves to bed now too.
The ladies certainly have themselves a palace.They look very happy.
What a great coop! Lucky chickies!
Did Kim design this himself? It is so nice and very creative, and looks great, too! I hope those chicks know how good they've got it. ha.
Look at ya'll!!! That is awesome! Ya'll Idahoians (sp?) sure know how to build some chicken coops!
those chickies better know they have a darn good life.
Love the pictures for this post! I have been pouring over various ways for housing chickens that I so badly want to get next spring. That is if I can find a way to do so seeing my town considers them to be "livestock" and does not permit them. Don't get me started as it quite frustrates my husband and I.
Pretty fancy digs for the chicks. That's the nicest coop I've seen. It reminds me of my mother in law's old house. There was a lean to atrium shaped much like that, that opened on to the dining room windows. I guess the former residents kept birds in there of some sort, but when she lived there, she used it as a greenhouse. I personally like the bird cage idea better - the more pets, the merrier.
I am COMPLETELY and UTTERLY impressed. I am always fascinated with people who can build things. My hubby and I have ZERO talent and know-how with such skills. Kudos! It looks fabulous. I bet the hicks are happy campers.
Haha, I just read that I put "hicks". I bet those "chicks" are happy "hicks". LOL.
That turned out great! Now I want one :)
Lookin' good in the chicken hood! Plus, I love love LOVE the slide show feature on the side bar. Summer is almost over. Wheeeeeee!
ooooh! How spiffy, it sure did turn out great!
It's not right that your Kim is so handy !
What the heck do you do with chicks ?
Really...I have no clue.
Is it spiffy!!! ham!! oops!!
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The chicken coop looks like a chicken palace; tell Kim he did a magnificent job.
The chicks look so cute and cozy in their new digs.
je suis toujours très admiratif devant la facilité qu'ont certaines personnes à réaliser des éléments avec du bois, je suis moi même incapable de faire de telles choses, il faut dire que je n'ai jamais essayé, mais je ne me sens pas assez manuel pour de telles réalisations. Bravo !
I LOVE this!!!!! Thanks for sharing!
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