Megan at Nestmaker has taught me to really, really, consider foliage. That's a common concept for most gardeners but she takes it to the max; actually preferring foliage to the flower blooms. (I think that's an accurate description of you, Megan, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)
So it's been pleasant lately, walking through our garden and instead of just looking for whether or not this or that plant has bloomed yet, to actually appreciate the stage they're in, flower power or not.
Take this perennial sweet pea (lathyrus). No blooms yet but what great looking buds.
To me they look like little pink wooden shoes.

It's also nice when it blooms.

And look at the leaves on these inula magnifica. Kim loves this plant. The flowers aren't spectacular. He must love the foliage. The plants are about four feet (1.219m) tall.
That's crambe cordifolia in the background.

I know there are other great foliage plants in our garden. Peonies for instance. They look great all summer, flowers or not.
Speaking of peonies, Kylee at Our Little Acre has me all a flutter with her pics of her Charles Burgess Peony. OK, now I must have that peony! I've already started looking at how I can find room for it.
Onto things actually blooming.
How could I ever be without larkspur?
But why can't I get the red larkspur to grow? (It's always something with us gardeners, isn't it?)
I put out red larkspur seeds this spring. Nothing.
But this purple one is stunning and they reseed. Gotta love it.
(Sambucus nigra 'Madonna' in the background.)

Our Red Rocks penstemon (penstemon mexicale) is looking great. They're growing next to the stream and also in the front garden.
(I love peeking deep into the blooms, makes me feel like I'm looking at something hidden and special.) These are easy to start from seed. If you'd like seed just email me.

It also has this variation going.
I like them both.

We have three dianthus blooming now.
The second one is Cheddar Pinks, dianthus gratianopolitanus - (whew, that's quite the name.) The third one I started from seed but didn't seem to save the species name.
(always proud when I start a perennial from seed.)

I know some people aren't thrilled with Lychnis coronaria. But just look at that color.
And once they're in your garden.....well, they spread. Like crazy.
Although I don't mind too much since their roots are not deep so they're relatively easy to pull out.
Another favorite of Kim's. And one we'll keep.

And finally for the "Question". I'm growing some of my Love Lies Bleeding in a hanging basket. Because I read that it's possible. Anyone else doing this or have done this? I know I read about it somewhere. And I remember that they needed to be pinched back. So I've done that. Once. Do I need to repeat it or is once enough? They look as though they're forming the lovely tassels. Maybe once is enough.
(It's a learning process, right? Right?)

As you can see they're putting on some tassels. At least I think so.

It's been a great weekend........gardening, gardening, gardening. Gotta love that!
I can't help you with your question, sorry! Just wanted to comment on how pretty everything is (esp. that first dianthus pic) and that I share your pride when we manage to start a perennial from seed!!
I must be on the same wave length as Ginger, love the dianthus...especially how lovely the fragrance is. I have never grown Love Lies Bleeding, so not sure much about it.
Yep, you got it right, leaves are my favorite, they occupy my mind, flowers sometimes catch my eye but I never seek them out. It makes me happy to know my endless ramblings on leaves have impacted you in some way to see foliage in a new light. Up with leaves!
I love the foliage of my wild lily!!!!! The flowers are beautiful, but the leaves are simply beautiful!
Your photos and flowers are spectacular!
I haven't grown 'Loves Lies Bleeding' either. I bet if anyone has luck, it will be you. Gorgeous photos Victoria. I have red larkspur coming up in my garden but I think the wet spring has helped a lot (in germination, etc.). I'll be sure to post photos when they bloom (just for you!). Your purple larkspur is beautiful tho ~ I'd be happy with it. I'm surprised at how much further ahead your garden is than mine. Are we that many zones different? I never thought of the buds on Lathyrus looking like wooden shoes before but they really do!
I've never seen it in a hanging basket. I'm sure it's going to look fantastic!
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