Yesterday Vanessa and I went to a wine tasting at 8th Street Wine Company. (Poor Kim, he had to work.) The wines were all from the Tuscany area of Italy, so of course we were excited. A show of hands revealed that about 3/4 of the group had been to Italy at some point. This was the first tasting for us at this restaurant/wine shop. Vanessa and I were very pleased with the food, the service, the wine choices, and the knowledge of the staff. At the end of the tasting we each purchased one bottle of wine. Vanessa is on a strict budget, I should have been but wasn't. It was a lot of fun.

My "tasting notes". Can you guess which one I bought?
Looks like another nice time.
I am guessing you bought the first wine but would have liked the last.
Nice to hear you are trying my soup.Really hope people like it.
We are having an Italian Wine Tasting at the end of the month. I'll have to send you the menu and wine pairings. We had one on Friday night with South African Wines. Try Bon Cap Pinotage and Roberston Chenin Blanc. Both are very good and very reasonable.
Rosemary - We loved the soup! I actually bought the last wine, the one I liked the most. It was on sale that day for $44, so I didn't feel TOO guilty.
Natalie - Thanks for the wine suggestions, I can always use them.
I miss wine. I was just beginning to discover wines (especially Mexican wines) when I quit drinking. I have to live vicariously through other wine lovers now! Did you get the Insoglio?
Genie - I bought the Collazzi. (Yes, I splurged) We'll save it for a special son, his girlfriend and their two dogs are planning on moving out of our house soon. That will be an occasion! Too bad you felt the need to quit drinking. My son is also a non-drinker. (I'm happy he figured that out, though.)
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