Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I have been rather busy lately. That's the excuse I'm using anyway.

My niece, Eva, is moving away. She has been my only connection with my extended family for the past 15 years or so. I am going to miss her. It's hard to explain how much I'll miss her. But at 32 years old, if she believes in her heart that moving away will offer her better peace of mind, then I hope her the best. We had a farewell dinner for her at our house this weekend.

So, Goodbye Eva! And Good luck!! We all love you very much.

Since I'm being lazy (gardening, etc) here are some funny things my French cousin, François, sent me.

Après une longue recherche, un scientifique sud-américain a découvert
que les personnes ayant peu d'activité cérébrale ou sexuelle lisent leurs
emails en gardant la main sur la souris.
Pas la peine de l'enlever maintenant, c'est trop tard...

In English:

After a long research, a South American scientist discovered that the people having little cerebral activity or sexual read their emails by keeping the hand on the mouse. Not the sorrow to remove it now, it is too late...

Check out François-Xavier - Président!

Le livre Guinness des records a récemment attribué le prix du plus gros
chien du monde à Hercule. Hercule est un Mastiff anglais et pèse 128 kg
pour 97 cm au garrot. Avec des pattes aussi large qu'une balle de
softball (selon "the Boston Herald"), le monstre de 3 ans est de loin
plus grand et plus lourd que ceux de sa race, dont la limite pondérale
est de 90 kg. Le propriétaire d'Hercule, M.FLYNN, déclare que son poids
est naturel et ne découle pas d'un régime particulier: "Je l'ai nourri
avec de la nourriture normale et il a simplement grossi, et grossi, et
grossi!" Vérifiez par vous même !

In English:

The Guinness book of the records recently awarded the prize of the largest dog of the world to Hercules. Hercules is English Mastiff and weighs 128 kg for 97 cm with the garrot. With legs as broad as a ball of softball (according to "the Boston Herald"), the 3 year old monster is by far larger and heavier than those of its race, whose ponderal limit is 90 kg. The owner of Hercules, M.FLYNN, declares that its weight is natural and does not rise from a particular mode: "I nourished it with normal food and it simply grew bigger, and grew bigger, and grew bigger!" Even check by you!

a trompe l'oeil...

and a couple videos...

Women doing funny things.

Woman chasing crabs.

1 comment:

Jeffrey said...

I just pissed my pants watching those videos. Thanks for the laughs.