Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Goodbye Rose Arbor

I step outside this morning with my cup of coffee; as usual I enjoy viewing the back garden in the chill of the early part of the day. And I must face it; the roses on the rose arbor are not coming back.

The rose arbor used to look like this:

This is what we see now......

You might think, "Well, it's just too early for them yet." But you'd be wrong. I have no idea why they didn't come back this year. The roses in the Moongarden are green and forming buds. The rose in the back bed is green. Even my Heritage rose made it through the winter.
We still have two vines on the back of the arbor; a purple clematis and the Dutchman's Pipe...

So, Kim and I have decided to put an end to the "rose arbor" and replace the roses with.........well, here are our choices.

Some type of honeysuckle...

or passionvine....

or vitis coignetiae (ornamental grape vine which turns bright red in the fall)...

or possibly a Clematis montana, 'Mayleen' (sweetly scented - 20ft)....

I will enjoy shopping and choosing the rose replacements. There is something so fulfilling about gardening. It's not as if I'm in control of my garden, that has never been true. And that is one of the joys of gardening; every year, with or without my assistance, the garden is different. Because it really is alive. Plants come and go without asking. Flowers reseed where I didn't expect them. Even with tender loving care certain stubborn plants just don't do well. It's basically the same with children, as I have to relearn every year, it seems. They have a mind of their own and I can advise and love them, but in the end they make their own decisions in life; either to prosper or to fail.


Cynthia Rae said...

Ciao! I saw your comment on my Mom's blog and had to stop in and say hi. Sorry that your roses are MIA. We are having the same problem with our wisteria. All over Italy, the countryside is in full bloom with the purple flowers, but our flowers are no where to been seen. Not sure why....

Maybe we should try something new too .


G and G A said...

Hi ya, decided to visit your blog today and I guess my daughter beat me to it. I am so sorry about your rose garden. Did the weather mess things up this year? I know I am holding my breath to see what this cold weather has done to things here. I know our trees were starting to bloom and each day of cold weather I watched the small leaves shrivel. I also had lilac bushes waiting to pop but not sure if I will have blooms now. Only time will tell.
I can see why you like the photos of our property. Looks like you all enjoy the outdoors too. Best of luck as you plan your new garden and I know it will be as beautiful as ever.