Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Signs of Spring

We've been working in the garden, cutting down the dead parts of the perennials;

Daffodils blooming in the back garden.....

Peony coming up in back garden...

Visitor to back garden...

Globe Willow greening up in front garden...

Flowers we saw on our walk today:

Sagebrush Buttercup - from The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers - "mostly among sagebrush and in open pine woods......Among the first wildflowers to bloom in the spring."

Bent Milkvetch - "dry hillsides and sagebrush deserts. Pursh's Milkvetch common throughout much of the West with flowers varying from cream to deep reddish-purple."

Anyone know what this is?

And Kim and I enjoying ALMOST the first day of Spring....it isn't quite Chimay (which is a GREAT beer, by the way), but it's

Happy Spring, everyone!

1 comment:

Jeffrey said...

Great pictures ... I'll have to look at your links to check out the other pictures of your gardens.

Drinking good wine surrounded by beauty you helped create must be very satisfying..