Monday, April 6, 2015

Pets and Spring

I went out into the garden today to see what's new because that's what gardeners do isn't it?  I know I'm constantly trolling for any sign of new life;  a new blossom, something forgotten, something that somehow came up somewhere else.

Every spring I notice these little muscari macrocarpum coming up.  I think they're so precious and pretty.  I wish they would spread around a bit.

We have a few tulips in the garden that are blooming right now.  I say "a few" because we have planted more than 500 bulbs in our back yard over the years.  A lot of them are gone now.  Due to...not sure.  Squirrels?  Possibly.
Anyway, I try to make sure I get out and enjoy those that are still showing up.  Today I was joined by Frankie.
(Is this turning into a "dog and pony, or cat, show, blog?)  Maybe.  Who cares.

Frankie says, "Take a picture of me!"
Actually Frankie says "Meow, meow!"  A LOT.

And again Frankie inserts himself into the frame.

Anyway I guess you can see we have some daffodils and some pink and red tulips blooming.
We also have some nice yellow ones.  And purple.

The weather has been cooperative;  some rain, lots of sunshine.  It's been nice.

And how I can end this post without a Scarface update?
He's doing better with his double ACL injuries.  Much better.  Now if he would only sleep through the night without needing us to get up and comfort him with a blanket and hugs.  (Yes, we're pathetic.)


  1. It's gunmetal gray and raining sidewise here right now. Your post is tonight's blessing.

  2. Aww, I love that wagging tail. Our simply pull the blankets off our bed while we're sleeping to make the "dog nest". I was surprised with how many of our tulips came back, but our daffodils only lasted a few days before dying back. Too cold perhaps?

  3. Isn't it like a cat to try to get into every picture frame! LOL! Glad Scarface is doing better. Love, love the muscari macrocarpum! Must look for it myself next fall.


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