Monday, January 12, 2015

It's a mistake, but it's OK

I finally finished my Montana Winter Cardigan.
And it's full of mistakes.

For one thing, and the biggest mistake;  it is way too big for me.

I started knitting this sweater in July.  I thought I would complete it around Christmas or so.  So in that sense, January 12th isn't too far off.

I wanted to make this sweater for myself after finishing this one in June.

The small one I made as a challenge to myself and for an unknown grandchild to be.  My idea was that knitting a similar one for myself would help us stay connected over what appears will be quite a distance of miles.  Not a bad idea.

My first problem was that the pattern was created for a 3 year old.  My second problem is that I thought I could adapt it for myself.  I'm not that advanced a knitter.

See how the brown drops down over the shoulders?  It's not supposed to do that.

So, after what you can imagine are many, many, many, hours of knitting I have a sweater that, well, is OK, but it's obviously too large.

But, I am going to wear it.  AND I am going to enjoy it.  Because it's a lesson learned.
I've already started another sweater for myself.  One I will check carefully along the way to see that it fits.  One for which I have an actual pattern.

I've made many mistakes during my years.  I think the worst thing a person can do is deny them.  The next worst thing is to not learn from them and then allow feelings of guilt and remorse to haunt you.

To hear a great discussion about making mistakes and learning from them, give this podcast a listen.

There are no mistakes, only lessons.   "Do you beat yourself up for past mistakes or are you unable to break free of a destructive pattern?  If you want to learn how to stop, join me and my special guests Team Universe for this incredible show and learn how you can press the reset button.  Join us, listen, learn and maybe even share your story.""


  1. Love this post! Love your sweater! I don't think it was a mistake at all :)

  2. I think it looks great. One thing I recently read is that once you turn 40 and are actually looking around, there are no grown-ups like we thought we might one day turn into. We still have to navigate life the same as we always did, but have to learn from our mistakes better. I love your post.

  3. Victoria, it's a lovely sweater! Big means cozy! Warm, comfortable and hand-made by you! Mistakes turn to fashion trends sometimes. Falling down sleeves.... hmmm... Next thing, we will see it in 'Vogue'!
    I like bears and dear!
    I don't need to say 'Stay Warm', because now, you will stay warm!

  4. Well done! Coming from the land of the Mary Maxim sweater - my mom made me the "train" sweater 52 years ago - all the other little girl's mothers made the ballerina sweater -I think it is glorious to have a matching grandma sweater & grandchild sweaters so have included a Mary Maxim link potentially for grandpa's moose sweater.
    You've inspired me to take a look at some of my UFOs (unfinished objects) and do some knitting myself.

  5. Hey there owner of Great site. I think you should be little more strict with the comments.

  6. je trouve qu'il te va plutôt bien , même si toi tu le voudrais moins grand ! Il est fort joli en tout cas Bravo, même avec "the mistakes" !!!

  7. Your sweater looks great - and I agree with the comment that big=cozy! So sweet that you will have a matching sweater with your grandchild!
    Blessings from PA!


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