Monday, December 22, 2014

Third Holiday Post

OK, I watch a lot of Christmas movies.  I admit it, readily.
I like them.  There's really no reason to go into how many of them I am willing to sit through, but it's a lot.

So, to keep it short and sweet here are two of my favorites so far this year.

1.  Nativity 2:  Danger in the Manger starring David Tennant and Marc Woottton.
 The critics don't necessarily like it, in fact they seem to hate it:
"David Tennant fails to sparkle in dual roles in this awful Christmas comedy sequel, writes Philip French."  From The Guardian.

Well, I liked it.  It made me laugh.  Yes, it's goofy.  If you don't like goofy, don't watch it.

2.  Get Santa starring Jim Broadbent and Rafe Spall.  (The British seem to be winning me over with their holiday movies.)

Towards this one the critics are kinder with their review:  Contact Music

"...but this movie is a pure joy, deploying a warped sense of humour that will have adults laughing a bit more than the kids, who will be caught up in a terrific wish-fulfilment adventure of their own."

How about you?  Love or hate holiday movies?  Have a favorite to share?


  1. I usually adore holiday movies but sadly (and your post makes it even more so) I didn't watch even one this year! What the heck? For some reason, I barely watched any TV during the month of Dec but next year, I will make up for it!!!

  2. We always watch "Love Actually" every Christmas season...LOVE it! :-)


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