Thursday, December 18, 2014

First Holiday Post

Kim and I are geared up for the holiday season and I have to admit I love it.

One of the first things we did was this: Boise Tuba Christmas.  If you go next year, go early.  Like an hour.  There is limited viewing space.  Smart people come early, with a chair.

The event takes place at the Idaho State Capitol building so you can imagine how those tubas reverberate in there.

The building is decorated for the holidays, people are in a good mood, it's very festive.

I loved this family in their cute hats.

Here's a short video.


  1. I never heard of the Boise tuba Christmas! Thanks for the info. Have a warm and wonderful holiday!

  2. That building is exquisite with all the detailed trim. I bet the music was wonderful. No wonder you're in the Christmas spirit!


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