Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Pet Problems

I'm hoping we've solved Scarface's "winky eye" issue.
Kim and I took Scarface to an opthomologist veterinarian yesterday.  She diagnosed his problem as an indolent ulcer.

Fortunately for us she had time to perform the treatment that very day.  We walked down the street and had coffee at Moxie Java (Garden City) while he was being treated.  I wondered why I'd never been inside before.  What a lovely coffee shop.  (Sorry, these photos were taken with my iPod.)

The procedure didn't take long.  (Kim and I didn't have to discuss whether or not to go ahead with the treatment.  Cost = $455.00.  He's worth that!)  After a phone call from the vet's office we sat with Scarface as he regained consciousness.
The vet assistant encouraged us to rub his belly to help him wake up.  He wasn't having any of it.  What a grouchy turd he can be even when essentially paralyzed!
We managed to get him back inside the truck.  He was snarling most of the way home even though he got to ride shotgun due to his cone.

And then when we were back at the house he refused to leave the truck!  He was so tired he could barely hold himself up but he wasn't about to let us help him out.
So we left him there.  We checked on him every half hour or so.  He calmed down a bit every time but it took him four hours before he was willing to leave that truck.

Our first night has involved very little sleep;  helping him eat and drink, administering eye drops and pain medication (cutting pills in half, sticking them inside plastic capsules and disguising them in chunks of canned food.)  Making sure to open the back door VERY widely when he needs to go outside.

He's definitely feeling better today.  The cone stays on until Thursday morning.  Can't wait.


  1. Best of luck to Scarface, the cranky bastard! That's a funny story.

  2. So glad your old fellow is on the mend. Always feel so sorry for them with their cone of shame. Love the fact that he wouldn't leave the car. Our Saint breeder used to leave the rear of her big wagon open for the boys, - they were so used to travel, they'd just hop in and sleep - removing them was quite another thing....

  3. We just took Lucky to the Vet yesterday. At 15 months old, he's got a torn knee that needs surgery and an ear infection. Poor pup. We're sticking his meds in chunks of cheese or butter.


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