Sunday, October 12, 2014


It's been a good summer.

We grew tomatoes.

We visited Montana where we plan on retiring in a few years.

And the biggest event of the summer...............our granddaughter Hayden!

Six and one half pounds of cutie!


  1. Such a sweet baby! Congratulations. Your tomatoes look wonderful.

  2. Nice veggie harvest! I'm sad we're going to pull the tomato plants out soon. Wow, Montana looks beautiful. Your granddaughter Hayden is adorable, congrats! :-)

  3. Looks like a very fruitful summer (in many ways! )

  4. Looks like a very fruitful summer (in many ways! ) :)

  5. Congratulations, Victoria. How does it feel? I have no grandbabies yet but I'm starting to get the itch. You look so proud. Your photos are outstanding. You live in such a beautiful part of the country. Even though we had a stellar summer, I'm sorry to see it gone.

  6. Congratulations, Victoria -- on the granddaughter AND the tomato harvest! Your travel photos have me thinking Montana would be a great place to retire. All the best to you both.

  7. She is adorable! Congratulations grandma!


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