Monday, March 17, 2014

All About Idaho

I recently finished reading Keeping Private Idaho by Rick Just.

(Full disclosure, Mr. Just sent me a copy of his book to read/review.)

Perhaps it's because I'm an Idaho native that I liked this book so much, but I don't really believe that.   If you've ever been to Idaho, ever lived in Idaho, ever been curious about our state or have never heard of it, I think you would enjoy this book. 

The characters are interesting and flawed, the story unfolds at a good pace and keeps you guessing.  And there are gems of wisdom along the way that I certainly appreciated.  Will an Idahoan drop you like a hot potato (pun intended), if they witness you littering in the Boise River?  Yes. Yes, they will.

I've never heard of an anti-tourist "Private Newsletter" in Idaho but that doesn't mean it didn't exist.  I've certainly heard my fair share of Idahoans grumbling about Californians moving into "our" state.  I agree with the author's afterward notes in which he is "happy to report the xenophobia depicted in the book...."....."has largely gone away."  I agree.  Californians move here, Idahoans move away.  That's just life.

Here is the review of Keeping Private Idaho from the Idaho Statesman.  They liked it too.

So, for those of you who enjoy reading this blog, leave a comment and if you're chosen I'll send one of you a copy of this book.  Straight from Amazon probably.  I'll leave this open until March 24.  Good luck.

And thanks Mr. Just;  it's a great read!


  1. Wow! I thought all Californians move to Washington! We love them, but not all of them love our rains and some of them move back to CA.

    Once, during our travel, we asked if potatoes served in one Idaho restaurant were from Idaho. We've been told NO - all those famous yummy potatoes are sent to other states. I'm wondering if the book has any information about it.

    Have a good day!

  2. As a 13 year resident of Idaho I am still amazed with the complexities of living in this state. It is such a wondrous place with screwy politics- I suppose all states are like that, but I was young when I left Illinois and we all know that IL is a place that is wonderful and screwy.

  3. Sounds like an interesting book Victoria. A lot of Californians move to Colorado too. I always wonder if they like the cold/snow but I don't know any personally to ask. It's nice of you to do a book giveaway. :)


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