Sunday, November 25, 2012

Busy November

Our hens are laying their heads off.  And we recently gathered this huge egg;

Too big to fit in the egg carton.

Peanut and Brazil in the compost pile.  Not sure who to credit with the over-sized egg.

It was a double yolk.  Our first.

Beautiful fall colors during our walks.  Finished now though with winter coming on.

And our daughter Vanessa was married this past week.  It was a nice laid-back wedding.

We're thrilled with our "new" son-in-law, Chris. 

And if you're local and in "need" of a cat......we still have four to give away.


  1. Kim and Victoria,
    Grads on the new son inlaw! The fall colors are stunning, would expect that there. That's a huge egg! We just got 6 month old chickens from Meg's offspring no eggs yet.

  2. Congrats on the new son in law. Wishing your daughter and her new husband a wonderful life together, full of double yolks!

  3. Wow, that was a huge egg! The chickens are looking good. Congrats on the wedding.

  4. Des jumeaux dans les oeufs, bon présage pour les jeunes mariés, qu'ils sont beaux tous les deux, j'ai été surpris par le mariage, je ne savais pas que c'était prévu !
    Je suis content pour eux, ils sont si beaux et vont bien ensemble !

  5. Congratulations to your daughter Vanessa and her husband Chris! I can't believe the size of that one egg with the double yolk. It's huge!

  6. We're still getting eggs too, although one still has never laid an egg. That egg looks like it would've been painful! :)
    Congratulations to your daughter. We had a really small and simple wedding, which to me is just perfect. I love her dress.

  7. that is quite an adorable pile of kitten. congratulations on the wedding!

  8. Congratulations to your daughter and son in law.
    That egg is a super big one!! A double yolk, nice!

  9. My they make an elegant couple! May they have a very long and happy life together.

    Now that's an egg! I wonder if she knew she'd have so much press, she would have stepped forward to say it was hers?


  10. Congrats! Your daughter is beautiful. I love her dress. Your new son-in-law looks very handsome too.

    Your mega-egg is too cool. It must be all the compost your hens are nibbling through.

    Lovely fall colors! We've still got leaves on many of our trees here. It hasn't gotten cold so they're holding on.

    Look at those sweet sleeping babies. I hope you are able to find good homes soon.


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