Saturday, September 22, 2012

Well, well. Summer is winding down, making way for fall.
We could use some rain. I should be spending more time out in the garden right now. But I'm so tired of looking at the smoke from the forest fires that has gathered in our valley. I need some blue sky!

OK, enough whining.

Not much going on in our garden. You really have to get up close to see much. But there are some blooms happening.

We have a few anemones showing their faces. Ones the chickens haven't dug up. Yet.

( I planted pink ones at my daughter's house and they're looking great. Of course she doesn't have chickens.)

And this is prime time for asters.  See some nice ones at Kasey's Korner.

The morning glories are in their stride.

A nice coleus in a container on the back porch.

We planted 50 gladiolus bulbs. About two bloomed. Probably not enough sun.  Which sounds crazy for southern Idaho, trust me.  But that's one of the consequences of planting so many trees.
Good part is the place we bought them from give a dozen free blooms when you bring your coupon back. This is one of the two that bloomed for us; lovely.

'David' phlox and Alma Potschke working it. Check out Grace's Alma Potschke.  Very nice.

'Heritage' rose usually hangs in there until the snow flies. I like that.
(I thought Garden Girl's Double Impatiens were roses.)

And the Russian sage is hanging in there. What a carefree plant.
Janet has a nice pic of it also.

Hope your summer is winding down nicely.  And taking its time.  The snow and cold will be here soon enough.


  1. The aster and anemones are beautiful. Really enjoyed your Mountain Goat photo. I didn't look at that post when you did it as I was jealous you got to go on vacation. Oh BTW will send some rain your way, we have had over a foot in the past two weeks, more starting to fall as I type.

  2. summer is winding down here, too. Leaves are turning color early this year. We've had plenty of rain lately, after a very dry summer. It's currently raining and blowing so hard I had to close my windows.

  3. j'aime beaucoup les Ipomées, les phloxs et les glaïeuls toutes ces fleurs magnifiques que nous avions quand nous vivions en Normandie !

  4. Lovely pictures!! Your glad is beautiful. Sorry so few bloomed. Maybe next year they will do better. Sure wish I had some anemones in my garden. Tried them the first year, no show! Thanks for the shout-out!

  5. Your garden is still looking beautiful. I would be whining to girl with all that going on. LOL! That Morning Glory is just so beautiful. I love blues in the garden. The aster and the phlox just look beautiful together. Have a wonderful week.

  6. Hello Kim and Victoria,
    All this beauty coming from your garden. Wow!! I'm impressed :) Very very beautiful flowers indeed.
    We are having thick haze over here too due to bush fire from Indonesia :(
    Thank God for the rain!

  7. The flowers look amazing, our yard is about dead. Thankfully the rain came today!

  8. The flowers look amazing, our yard is about dead. Thankfully the rain came today!

  9. Beautiful! My russian sage has flopped over...sigh...

  10. les fleurs sont bien tristes avec la sécheresse. Heureusement, depuis hier, il pleut enfin!

  11. Thank you for the link love Victoria!! So nice of you. Your garden is still rockin'! My anemones are still in bud stage ~ they better open soon!! It seems like some years they barely bloom when the frosts kills them. :(
    I would be bummed if all the glads looked like the one you featured ~ it is absolutely stunning. Of course I love the color combination. Shade is a good trade off tho for not always having blooms ~ especially this summer (here anyway ~ when it was so hot.)
    Hope you get to see some blue sky soon ~ we are seeing your smoke here too. The skies have been hazy for days.
    p.s. great photo of you & your hubby on vacation!!!

  12. Lots of bright colour in your garden. Love the asters.. try to get some rest!


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