Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Playing with Pinterest

I'm sure by now everyone has heard of Pinterest.
It's the place where you can find everything from humor,

to DIY, (wine bottle decor),

A common theme on Pinterest is that members (membership is free) sit at their computers all day and create pins about things they're never actually going to do in real life.

Well I decided I needed to get off that procrastination wagon and use some of those ideas I'd been saving as pins. ("Pins" are easy, see something you like on Pinterest, click on it and save it to your personal pin board).

And I'd been pinning a lot of recipes so I thought that was a good place to start. Since we have our children over every other week for family dinner they were to be my guinea pigs.

We started dinner with Cucumber Feta Rolls.
Everyone loved them.

Next up, Feta and Ricotta Spinach Rolls.
Great tasting and super easy.

I forgot to take a photo of the Roasted Cabbage with Lemon. Yum.

Here's a pic from the recipe site:

The meat course was Super Simple Slow Cooker Steak Pizzaiola.
My photo didn't turn out well but here's the photo from the web site:

Everyone loved it as well.

Down to dessert.  I usually make a couple attempts at dessert for these dinners for two reasons.  One, Chris is not a chocolate fanatic but Vanessa and I are.  Two, Kim likes leftovers for his work week.

This Zebra Cake appealed to me.  It was interesting to make and tasted great. 

Second dessert course, Upside Down Apple Pie.
Even chocolate free this one was a winner.

If you're not on Pinterest yet I recommend it.  Just be sure to put some of it to use.  (Or not).


  1. Oh Victoria I too am addicted to pininterest... sadly I pin way too much. Loved your dinner all looks so good.....

  2. Yes, I am on Pinterest too. There is so much to garner from the internet!! Will look for your boards to pin some of those recipes and others. Look for me too.

  3. ce n'est pas juste, tu me donnes faim maintenant...

  4. Do your kids know that they were the guinea pigs in this little Pinterest food experiment? LOL Good for you for putting inspiration to delicious use. I had seen that very same cucumber roll recipe, pinned it and haven't done a thing further. It is nice to know that the cucumber rolls are as good as they looked. Love the zebra cake too.
    You are right to think that pinning ideas is one thing, its another to put the ideas into practice. I have been thinking that I should put some of the ideas I have pinned to the test too.
    P.S. Have you heard of the spoof blog ( I think it is Pintester.com)?

  5. Wow, Victoria, your food photos are amazing. As a die hard Pinterest time-waster, I have a bazillion recipes but I've never tried any. I'm going to change that. Thank you for a great post!

  6. I'm a BIG pinterest girl too Victoria! Spent TONS of time there last winter but it was great because I hardly noticed the snow!! I have tried so many things I've pinned I think my neighbors are getting sick of me saying "oh, I found that on Pinterest!!" For the garden party, a lot of my food came from my appetizer board!! Anyway, I will look for you out there ~ your meal looks fantastic (as all your food does) so I think Pinterest is good for everyone!!! :)
    p.s. Did you get your dahlias (from Swan Island) or are they waiting until spring to ship them??

  7. Now I'm hungry! I avoided pinterest for a long time because I really don't need to spend more time on the computer, but I saw a picture of a unique garden idea that I wanted to save so I joined pinterest. I have 1 picture saved! As for ever using the idea - I hope I will use it some day.


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